Hi everyone, this is a quick post to proudly announce that I've been interviewed by Vaibhav Wankhede on his travel blog Leaving My Footprints. Vaibhav was curious about my "Free and Homeless … [Read more...]
10 habits of those who meditate steadily everyday
Lately, a friend at the yoga studio asked me if meditating 5 minutes a day would make a difference for him. He's used to Bikram Yoga and its hellish 90 minutes sessions, so he was doubting the fact … [Read more...]
The 2 minute guide to dealing with your emotions if you’re a highly sensitive person
"Sometimes I feel like a big eardrum" - Liz We resonate with things, all the time. When a baby's crying next door When our boss gets angry at us When a cat touches our nose with his Daily … [Read more...]
Why you should throw your Higher Self in the trashcan
Didn't you identify with a super hero when you were a kid? I know I did, children often use imaginary role models to build their personality, yet now that we're adults, do we still need that kind … [Read more...]
How to declutter your head
Too often, my mind gets crippled with worries. When that process starts, everything feels like a serious and urgent problem: taxes, cat food running out, my next blog post that looks fairly bad, … [Read more...]
Suffering is only an option
I got fired from a tele-marketing gig. It was a horrible job. I had applied for the position because I needed the money real bad. They fired me two weeks later: I hadn't sold anything. … [Read more...]
Speedlinking: 26th March 2013
Hi everyone! That's it, "Growing The Roots Of Happiness" is now a one-year-old-baby. I'd like to thank all of you for regularly stopping by and leaving comments. Writing a blog made me spend … [Read more...]
5 habits of focused people: an ADD pacifier
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is regarded as a socially acceptable form of insanity. Supposedly that syndrome needs a treatment and thousands of kids are now medicated to control their … [Read more...]
Exit strategies
Facing reality is tough, especially when your account balance is horribly negative. When life is frowning at you, the usual response is to find an exit strategy, some kind of pleasurable getaway … [Read more...]
Urban Monks
Thousands of people are evolving to become urban monks. I'm one of them, you might be one too. In my case, I used to follow the traditional Buddhist monastic path. That was very … [Read more...]