Of course you can worry about the future, you've been trained enough to do that, but who's going to look after your present? Who's going to breathe, and walk, and eat that sandwich, while you're … [Read more...]
How to crush anxiety
I've just spent a few days in a Buddhist retreat center with the coolest human beings on earth. I'm calling them cool because these guys are nice to be around and also because making them mad is … [Read more...]
How to gain from bankruptcy
Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe I should have kept my 9 - 5, my apartment, my social status, since it's easier to grow your self-confidence on a solid payroll (at least in the beginning). But I was … [Read more...]
Happiness is in the trashcan
I thought there was a packet of cup noodles left in the kitchen. But after a deep closet investigation, the noodles are gone. I thought there was a new episode of True Detective, my favorite … [Read more...]
With C.B. Forrest
I recently met Chris Forrest online, our conversations made me instantly feel at home. Chris is a novelist, and a man who digs beneath the surface of things to find the meaning of humans quest. I like … [Read more...]
Interview with a minimalist: Joshua Becker
Today I'm extremely happy to invite Joshua Becker to talk a bit about minimalism. An author, a father and a Christian, Joshua decided to declutter his life a few years ago and focus on what really … [Read more...]
Work minimalism: should you do less?
Every single day I stumble upon new productivity blogs praising tighter schedules and reduced sleep times. Their underlying philosophy seems to be: get more done and "become a better version of … [Read more...]
Judging? For what?
When given a choice between judging someone and understanding them, we often choose to judge because it's easier, and more socially comforting. I'm 100% guilty of opting for that, with others, … [Read more...]
Interview with Michaël Seïte-Karner
Gr0wing.com continues its organic development, as announced I will welcome more and more interventions from various people whose skills in Lifestyle Design are worth sharing on this blog. Today I’m … [Read more...]
Minimalism: an organic response
"There are quiet places also in the mind, but we build bandstands & factories on them. Deliberately—to put a stop to the quietness" — A. Huxley When I first read about the life and deeds of … [Read more...]