Drugs have the same social status as sex: entertaining and sometimes dangerous.
And they’re hard to control, that’s why people keep doing them until they die. That’s also why the war on drugs is a useless (and tragic) comedy show.
TV says drugs are evil, yet my neighbor claims they’re the food of the gods. Through the extremes of veneration and hatred dope always attracts the wrong attention, like a teenage girl wearing too much make up. We just lack the maturity to handle it well.
- On a global level, we cannot solve the problem by trying to pluck drugs out of society, blaming a molecule makes little sense. Instead, why not do the hard labor of understanding why so many of us are left with no other exit strategy than snorting ourselves numb?
- On a personal level, whatever drugs you’re considering: why not RTFM before doing it? (Read The F***ing Manual). That would help more than watching yet another spooky documentary about the latest chemical plague.
There’s no way out until you know why you do what you do, and own the consequences, then I suppose drugs can become a spiritual path.