Free and homeless: the experiment – part 14

· 256 words · 2 minute read

Before dawn.

It’s 5:30 AM.


Even New York  manages to be quiet at this time.


The city tries to be discreet, not to disturb the moments preceeding dawn.

I’m sure it respects early risers.

This is a time of peace, and I love it.


I meditate and work (usually from my bed).


I listen to ambient music, it feeds my mind the right nutrients.


I try to communicate with others, as I write posts.


Becoming homeless has given me so much time to work on this blog.  Since I don’t have a day job anymore, I spend more and more time writing posts.

I’m only starting to understand that there are  people reading it: YOU :)


The positive feedback I get from readers makes me confident that somewhere, someone will read me. That makes my day.


BTW, I removed all ads from my blog, they looked terrible and they’ve paid me….3$ in 6 month so far.

I’ve also decided to uncopyright all the content of my website.


That’s such a relief: no ads, no lawyers, NO WORRIES!

I’m more and more willing to give away whatever I do on this blog (I’ll find a way for my readers to contribute if they want to).

How could I praise generosity, patience and other values if I plaster my site with marketing garbage, anyway?


Next post will be about my stay at a Buddhist center Upstate New York. Expect sex, violence and power struggles.


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