Hi, I’m Gael Blanchemain, the guy that started gr0wing.com.
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to stop by, and more particularly I want to say that I feel extremely grateful to those who supported this blog since its creation in 2012 by sending me email and friending me on FB.
I’ll also take this opportunity to give an you update on gr0wing:
Change 🔗
Those who’ve known the site’s debut noticed the layout and URL change. The idea was to get a more polished look and a simple URL: www.gr0wing.com (gaelblanchemain.com will eventually be my personal author’s blog).
I’ve had a series of epiphanies last year, first because I understood the importance of connecting with like-minded individuals via the Internet and learn from each other. It’s wise and meaningful to collaborate, and it’s becoming all the more vital as governments and large institutions no longer seem to be in touch with the actual needs of their citizens. I think only connected humans with a strong will to change their life and help others can make a difference. They need a platform to meet.
Facebook allows that type of connection to a limited (and highly controlled) extent, and it’s just not enough.
As a response to that need for collective thinking, gr0wing will evolve to be a hub for those who want to share ideas on how to respond to the challenges of the 2010’s. That means more guest posts and possibly a forum.
Secondly, I’ve traveled the world from couch to couch for more than a year. In the process, I gained awareness on the need to think differently about money and professional life. There are many new options, they’re the future and I’ll talk about them this year.
Being threatened by financial problems is no fun (I’m speaking from experience), that’s why gr0wing will now include tips on money management. I’ll start with an interview with my friend Philip Jedar who’s become an expert in this field.
The goal of this money related content will be to avoid financial traps and leverage new tools like Bitcoin.
Up 🔗
With a traffic that’s increasing steadily, gr0wing.com is becoming an online resource for those who want to actively change every aspect of their life:
- Professional
- Personal
- Financial
- Spiritual
I’ll make sure this project continues to improve to offer the best content for personal transformation and creative networking.
I look forward to see more free-thinkers and self-help addicts join our tribe, in the meantime stay in touch, and if you want to secure your connection to gr0wing.com, subscribe to The Fertilizer, its weekly update.
Thank you!