Treating your mind right

· 287 words · 2 minute read

Plants grow, that’s what they do, you don’t need to talk wheat into growing, hence organic farmers don’t kick sprouts out of the ground, they just let them do their job.

Farmers provide the right conditions for plants to develop, and that’s all, they trust the process enough to let it happen.

What would occur if we treated our mind with the same mix of confidence and expertise?

What if we stopped forcing our brain to run on gallons of coffee, meet alarmingly tight schedules and stay up all the time?

Would we then become a steaming heap of self-indulgence, unable to produce any value for anyone?

Would it be too complacent to sleep enough, eat right and give ourselves time to think, instead of overclocking our brains for more results?

I don’t think so, instead, chances are life would be smoother, richer and we’d probably get the most out of it.

We could rely on our memory more, and recall texts, passwords and phone numbers without effort. It’s amazing how much you can remember when you understand how memory actually works.

We could draw our ideas as they pop instead of letting them drown in an ocean of scary TV news.

We could meditate more, and give our mind ample time to settle and open up.

That gentle attitude is easy to develop, easy to maintain, and very rewarding because when you meet your brain’s needs, it happily works day and night for you. I’m actually sure of it because I operated that way for months.

All it takes is to organize our life around our biology, not the other way around. You might want to give it a try, just to see if it works.