Don’t feel guilty for feeling bad

· 158 words · 1 minute read

(a few lines for myself)


I know: they say we should be grateful everyday.


But it’s not possible to be happy all the time.

Sometimes nothing feels right.

Sometimes depression decides to have dinner with you.


Face to face.


And to make matters even more romantic, anger shows up as well.


But you don’t have to pretend you like it when things go totally wrong and you feel like crap.


It’s not your duty to look in control either.

All that matters is how you can ease the pain without causing more harm:

– if kicking a hole in the door gives you a release, go ahead.

– if yelling in the garden gives you a release, so be it.

– if raiding the fridge for cheese-cake is what it takes to loosen up: be my guest.


I guess my only point is:

Please don’t feel guilty for feeling bad.


How about being your own friend, instead?   :)