Still staying at the Buddhist center in the US. I remember leaving France to learn from an old master
For those who didn’t read my previous post (you should be ashamed): this fantastic article was about Khenchen Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher.
This time, I’d like to share how I ended up living close to him for two years (that was in 2006).

So, 6 years ago, I left France to join an old and venerable Tibetan master. I was an ambitious monk at the time, I wanted to be the best disciple following the best living example (can you tell something was going to screw up at some stage?).
As you can guess, finding a real spiritual guide is a tough job, it’s like trying to date in a Wal-Mart: there are opportunities but…well.
Todays era has a huge offering in pseudo-spirituality. Crooks are easy to come by: dangerous, greedy assholes claiming they have seen the light.
They’re all over the place.

I didn’t want to settle for a “Master” like those fucks, so I started looking for an uncorrupted spiritual guide. Not another power-hungry psychopath.
I spent several years looking around, until someone hinted me on Khenchen Rinpoche. His credentials led me to think that he probably was the right man.
Took 2 years to first meet with him, then another 6 months to start understanding his language (he speaks a particular form of Tibetan which has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama’s).
Eventually I was able to spend time with him, try to get his message and translate it for others, when I could.

I had dreamt of that special situation and it eventually became true: I was now living with the real deal. That implied listening to his teachings when I wanted to.
It also implied seeing how he interacted with the world, and with living creatures (that includes humans).
If I try to sum up what I remember:
– I never saw him get angry an anybody, not even at me (once I tried to cook and I served him the most disgusting vegan attempts, a browny mixtures of mushrooms and horrible chinese vegetables)
– I never saw him turn anybody down for help
– I never heard him complain
– I never saw him depressed. Even if he’s 85, partly sick and in exile since the 50’s.
– I never saw him not answer students’ questions, which were sometimes pure nonsensical bullshit about sexual arousing through the chakra of limitless wisdom (and other crap like that).
I sometimes saw him fail…and laugh right after doing so.
Of course, in the process, I would compare myself with him, and feel VERY retarded:
– I’d get angry at everything > he would keep his cool 24/7
– I’d kick the dog’s ass because he freaking barked all the time > he would give him a biscuit
– I’d dream of running to a cave to avoid people or simply eliminating the human race > he once attended the birthday of a 9-year-old just because she asked
Maybe that’s what it is to be a master, showing an example? That’s most of what he did with me: doing exactly as he teaches.
Overall, It’s a good thing I ended up with Khenchen Rinpoche, since he’s the kindest man on earth, he’s the John Rambo of kindness, the ultimate boss of compassion.
You don’t see that kind of people anywhere else, not even in movies, but who the hell cares for Saints, anyway?
I’m kind of addicted to seeing him, many other people are, too, let’s call them “disciples”.
Next post will probably be about finding a spiritual path with the TV on.