Free and homeless: the experiment – part 4

· 581 words · 3 minute read

 A month ago I decided to stop having a day job and hit the road.
This is definitely not a success story but a travel journal,
something I wanted to share with you.
This episode takes place in San Salvador, it’s about getting old with Walmarts everywhere…

Walmarts every-freaking-where 🔗

After a month in El Tunco beach, I’m back to San Salvador.

Gee! Walmarts have spread too far. Their territory is not limited to the midwest but has reached El Salvador, too.
And you pay in dollars, here.

This place is supposed to be the capital of a country in Central America but it looks like california’s poor suburb.

I drive around this big city, blaming the US and their global domination. I guess I feel entitled to despise America since I come from Europe.

But really, can I afford that kind of attitude? Looking back, Europe was Latin America’s worst scavenger.

And that carries over, with this subtle feeling of superiority that most westerners have towards latinos.

Whether we like it or not, we continue to feel like we rule the world.

**Picture an imbecile with a sombrero and a moronic smile?
** That’s the idea a lot of westerners have of Latin American people.

Don’t you feel annoyed when you realize that you continue the colons’ job by sticking at these ugly stereotypes?

Personally, it makes me want to throw beans puree at Nixon’s face.


I guess the best way to get over it is to KNOW latinos better. It takes time, and El Salvador’s submissive attitude towards Europeans and Americans doesn’t help.

It takes time but I see no other way to switch from a retarded vision of 80% of countries to a more objective one. This trip is the opportunity, I guess.

Old traveler 🔗

Changing subject here’s an interesting comment I received about the first post of my homeless experiment:

“Very interesting that you’re doing this at 39. And also a bit scary. Slumming around the world in your 30s and 40s is a LOT different than doing it in your 20s.”

Funny to see how reactions can vary depending on people, since a lot of other people loved this project and want to try it as well.

Can you please photoshop these cracks off my face?

Let me share about the age issue, I think you’ll find it instructive.

I can understand fears we associate with traveling when you’re old, and all, BUT:

I’ve never felt that good traveling the world now that I am nearly 40, here’s why:

  • I am less into myself, so I am more open to the people and their country
  • I am more assured, so don’t get too much crap from local bullies
  • I am less naive, it’s harder to sell me a turnip for the price of a cell phone
  • I am OLDER and I know the value of the time left: so I enjoy it more
Now, you might have serious reasons not to travel, and I respect that, but unless you’re really sick or disabled, if that’s what you’d like to do: please do it.
There are too many excuses available, and not a lot of time left.
Next post will be about Guatemala, and in particular the gorgeous city of Antigua.


Ale, Felix and I @ Walmart, San Salvador

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Thanks :)